Athlos Leadership Academy

7th Grade Language Arts, Thompson - Room 144

Course Description


ELA Week of 11-11-24

This week in ELA students will begin reading A Wrinkle in Time. They need to read through chapter 3 by Friday with Cornell notes. On Friday there will be the lesson 7 Wordly Wise quiz. This Thursday students will take the IXL final exam for trimester one. 

ELA Week of 9-30-24

This week students will be doing a mini-research project about the medieval times. They will be sharing their findings with the class for a summative grade. On Thursday, students will take the Unit 1 Summative. This will cover the concepts that we've studied so far this year. There is no Wordly Wise assignment this week. Students will need to read to chapter 35 in Crispin by the end of the week. 

ELA Week of 9-23-24

This week in ELA students will review the concepts of setting and conflict. They will also be introduced on how to write a response to literature using the book Crispin. Each day students will be assigned reading from Crispin. There will be the lesson 3 Wordly Wise quiz on Friday. Students will be responsible for completing sections 3A-3D in their Wordly Wise books. 

ELA Week of 9-9-24

This week students will learn about writing a summary, taking notes, and the elements of a plot line. They will have their first quick quiz on Tuesday about character and setting. Students will also receive their Wordly Wise vocabulary books on Monday. There will be daily vocabulary homework, with a quiz each Friday. Students received their first novel last Friday called Crispin. There is daily assigned reading for that as well. 

ELA Week of 9-3-24

Welcome back! 
This week in ELA we will dive right into the elements of literature. Unit 1 will focus on the Medieval Times. We will set up our interactive notebooks with literary terms such as setting, character, and conflict. At the end of the week students will be introduced to their first novel of the year called Crispin. There will be daily reading assignments from this novel starting on Friday.