Athlos Leadership Academy

Gray - Room 228


Our Whole Class Turned in Their Homework!

Wow! Our entire class, every single First Grader in Mrs. Gray's class, turned in their home work last week. Thank you so much! Week 2's Homework was sent home in your First Grader's Take Home Binder Today.
I will also be sending home Sight Word Lists to practice at home in Take Home Binders this week. Sight words are important to teach because they help children become faster, more fluent readers. They can also help children develop a better understanding of letter-sound relationships and word families, which can help with spelling. Please practice your First Grader's Sight Word List each night...helping your First Grader read the list quickly and automatically. This should be practiced in addition to 15 minutes of reading each night.
Thank you for all of your help....our school year is off to a great start!

4th Annual Grandparent Breakfast

4th Annual Grandparent Breakfast
Tuesday, October 8th 
Pre K- 3rd 8:00-8:45am
4th-8th 9:00-9:30am
*Due to space, the event is limited to 2 grandparents per student*
RSVP forms due by Friday, September 20th
If you are interested, forms were sent home in your First Grader's Take Home Binder. If you would like a new form to be sent home please email me:
Thank You!


Your First Grader will be receiving their first Homework Packet of the school year tomorrow, September 9th. There are activities to work on each night (Math, Language, Reading, and Writing), and your First Grader should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes each night. The more the better! If your First Grader is a pre-reader, they may select a book to be read to them. Or they may tell a story as they turn the pages. Please return the completed Homework Packet, including the Reading Log at the bottom of the front page, to school every Friday of the week. Please have your First Grader let me know if they need books to practice reading at home. A new Homework Packet will be sent home on the Monday of each week of the school year, with the expectation that the completed homework be turned in on Friday.
Thank you!

Welcome to Mrs. Gray's First Grade Classroom

Hello First Grade Families!

It was so nice to have the opportunity to meet some of you at Open House.

This week we will be continue to work on getting to know one another, classroom routines, and assessing student levels in reading and math. 

Important reminders:

Please send in a 3 Ring Binder with your student if you have not done so yet.

Please send gym shoes daily, students can leave an extra pair at school.

Please send a healthy snack with your student daily.


Do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to a great year,

Sara Gray

Room 228

First Grade Teacher

[email protected]