Athlos Leadership Academy

Mr. Sam Morgan » A bit about me!

A bit about me!

I am the 8th-grade Earth Science teacher. I'm from the area and am excited to be teaching so close to home! I graduated from Winona State for teaching and am happy to share my love for Science with the students I have.
My goal as your student's teacher is to make sure they succeed. So please reach out if you need anything. If you or your student need anything please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call at (763)-777-8942 Ext.8841.


End of Trimester

Hello Athlos families,
This week in Science we are going to have a chapter test. I will link to a study guide the kids can use and play to prepare here.
News for the week is that we are having our school spelling bee! I am sending home lists and information tonight. Class Bee in 12/13. Grade Bee is 1/9. School wide bee is 1/23.
Also, we are going to be sending home permission slips for our ice rink tonight as well. That will be due no later than 1/8.
Have a great week!

Books for Bingo and Quiz retakes

Good morning Athlotilites,
Next Tuesday (5pm - 7pm) we do have books for Bingo! It will be free, the only thing you would have to pay for is cookies, water, and popcorn at $1 each.
Also, we have done the retake for the quiz we had this week. If you student was present this week and you see in infinite campus that their grade is still a 0, that means that they chose not to take the retake.

Tests and Conferences

Hello Athlos families!
This week we have had a quiz. If you look in Infinite Campus and notice your student has a 0, it is because they struggled with expectations during a test and would not stop talking with classmates. I do this because I want to prepare them for life in high school and college where they will not be able to make up that work. If they did receive a 0 they can take a retake tomorrow (10/11).
Also, we do have conferences coming up fairly quickly on November 10th! I hope you all can make it! If not, please feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions you may have.

Oct 2 Earth Science

Hello Athlos Families!
This week in Earth Science we are wrapping up a virtual lab we started last week, and have started a hands-on lab. If the students didn't finish the online lab they are going to be expected to finish it in their own time during our study hall period.
The rest of the week looks like we are going to be finishing our current lesson, where we should be finishing out this week with a quiz about water in our atmosphere. I will be posting study supplies for that as well later.

Earth Science Sept 25

Happy Monday Athlos families!
We've got our first quiz under our belts. If you are concerned about your student's score there is going to be a retake tomorrow. Also, so you know. My quizzes are open notes and those notes are available to the students once we covered a subject.
There will be a retake for quizzes, then the chapter test will end up being curved.
This week we are starting our section on how our atmosphere works!

Science this week 9/20

Hello families!
A quick reminder that tomorrow is picture day! We are sending home one last form if you want to purchase photos. Also, Friday will be when our grandparent's breakfast payment is due.
This week in science, we are finishing our section on water on Earth. There is a quiz this week. Once done, we are moving on to the atmosphere!

Picture day and Grandparent's Breakfast

Good morning Athlos families!
It is a good week here in science! We are continuing to learn about Water on Earth and completed a lab this week to see how much salt water and freshwater there is on Earth!
Two announcements are that we have picture day next Thursday (9/21). Forms are going home today.
Also, there will be a Grandparent's Breakfast that you can sign up for on October 10th. Forms are going home today for that as well. We ask that they come back by next Friday!
Have a great rest of the week.
Mr. Morgan


Hello families!
I hope you have been having a good week! Here at Earth Science, we are off to a great start! We are starting this year learning about the Hydrosphere, starting from the water cycle and going from there.
I am sure you may have seen your students coming home with a form from me regarding lab safety. In case you did not see it, I have it here. It is so the students know my expectations when we are doing labs and that they agree to behave appropriately when we are doing so.
Have a great rest of the week!
Mr. Morgan