Athlos Leadership Academy

Apply Today




Thank you for your interest in Athlos Leadership Academy. Click here to review our admissions policy before applying. 


To complete an application for your student, please follow the directions below. 


2024-2025 Application Process (Current School Year):

  • Click Here
  • Apply for a student by selecting “Apply for New Student”. 
  • You must submit a separate application for each student you would like to enroll.
  • If there is an opening in the grade in which you are applying, we will email you instructions on how to complete the enrollment forms online.
  • If there is a waiting list in the grade in which you are applying, you will receive a waiting list placement email.

** There will be a fee of $400.00 per month, per student charge for the Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2023-2024 school year. **



2025-2026 Application Process (Upcoming School Year):


Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted starting Monday, November 4, 2024. Check back this fall for details!




Though siblings of enrolled students and students of staff members are given preference under the policy, they are not automatically enrolled. Their enrollment is dependent upon the number of open enrollment slots in the grade for which they are applying in conjunction with the number of sibling applicants and students of staff members applying in that grade. If there are more siblings of currently enrolled students and students of staff members applying than there are spots in a particular grade, applicants will be shuffled by lot and a separate lottery for these students will occur. Offers of enrollment will be made following the lottery.  After all open slots are filled, the siblings of currently enrolled students and students of staff members who were not offered an enrollment slot will be placed on the top of the waiting list in the order in which their names are drawn by the electronic lottery.  



Athlos Leadership Academy is not responsible for mistakes or omissions on submitted application forms.


*Applications submitted for the incorrect school year will be considered invalid and not processed.


*Athlos Leadership Academy places age appropriately for all students.


*Athlos Leadership Academy does not accept applications for Prekindergarten students who are not age four on or before September 1st of the school year for which the student seeks admission.


*Athlos Leadership Academy does not accept applications for Kindergarten students who are not age five on or before September 1st of the school year for which the student seeks admission.


*Athlos Leadership Academy does not accept applications for first grade students who are not age six on or before September 1st of the school year for which the student seeks admission.





Data Privacy Tennessen Notice for Student Enrollment Application and Enrollment Paperwork

Athlos Leadership Academy (“Athlos”) is asking you to provide information, which includes private information, under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). Athlos is asking for this private information so that we can complete your request to enroll your student at Athlos.

This information will be used to enroll your student at Athlos, create a student file, and fulfill state and federal reporting requirements. This information will also be used to appropriately assist your student in the event of an emergency.

You are not legally required to provide the information Athlos is requesting and you may refuse to provide some or all of the information requested. However, Athlos may not be able to process your student application for enrollment if you do not provide sufficient information. Failure to provide certain information could result in delays, incorrect enrollment, or cause your student to not be enrolled.

With some exceptions, unless you consent to further release of private information, access to this information will be limited to individuals whose jobs reasonably require access to this information and school officials with an educational need to know. However, state and federal law authorizes release of private information without your consent: to the juvenile justice system, the Minnesota State High School League and if required by a court order, or authorized by other state or federal law.




Questions? Interested in a tour? Contact 763-777-8942 or [email protected]


*Interested in before or after school care?  Click here for more information.