Friday, Oct. 23

FRIDAY October 23rd

Happy Friday 3rd graders! Please join us at 8:00am this morning for morning meeting. The videos posted below have the daily instruction, and links to your daily work on Study Island. Remember that there is no live stream on Fridays. I hope you have a fabulous day and an awesome weekend!

If any questions come up please feel free to contact me. During school hours the best way to reach me is my email. If you call and receive my voicemail, leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs. Huberty

[email protected]

(763) 777-8942 ext. 8821



Please join us at 8:00 every day for our class morning meeting. I can’t wait to see you!

Click the link below to join:


For MATH you will complete activities to practice story problems.

Please click the link below for your instruction! 

Please log in to Study Island to complete your learning tasks for today.



For LANGUAGE ARTS you will complete activities to practice using punctuation in writing.

Please click the link below for your instruction! 


Please log in to Study Island to complete your learning tasks for today.




3rd Grade Description - October 23rd 



Welcome musicians, I hope you had a great week! Have fun with music today! 

Lesson Topics 

Popcorn - Move along with this song! 

Music Word of the Day - Today’s music word is composer. A composer is someone who writes music. Today we learn about the composer Tchaikovsky and listen to two songs from his ballet The Nutcracker.  

Waltz of the Flowers Playalong - Pick either the red, blue, or yellow team. Then find an instrument and play when the bee lands on your team’s flower! Remember you can rewind to make an improvement or play for another team! 


Lesson Link 

Name: Mr. Matthew Mundinger 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: (763) 777-8942 ext. 8845