Week of Oct. 24th

Hello Garcia Families!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy! Here is a look into our week:
Language Arts-
We are continuing in our nonfiction unit with summary!
Spelling Week Six
1. break
2. cocoa
3. collar
4. comparison
5. compare
6. controlled
7. control
8. debts
9. disaster
10. eager
11. enemy
12. example
13. excitement
14. exciting
15. excite
We are taking a break from science and using this time to work on things your student needs additional support in!
Social Studies-
We are working on Chapter 3 in Social Studies!
In math, we started Unit 2. Students are learning about factor pairs. Please continue to practice multiplication facts at home!
Small Groups- 
In small groups we have been working on our spelling words and refining skill we learn during math and language arts.
As always please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Garcia