Ms. Jennifer Baccam » Welcome!


Hello! Welcome to 8th Grade Math! I'm Ms. Baccam and I'm excited for this school year and feel free to contact me with questions, comments, and concerns throughout the school year. Also subscribe to this web page so that you can receive daily updates.
Ms. Baccam



MCA Schedule and Cellphones

Here is the 8th grade MCA 2024-2025 MCA Schedule:
April 10th
April 14th
April 15th
Math -
April 28th
April 19th
April 30th
Science -
May 5th
May 6th
May 7th

Cellphones and Smart watches during MCAS

Per state requirements, students are unable to have access to their cell phones, personal devices, fitness trackers, or wearable technology at any time during MCA, MTAS, or Alt MCA testing or during testing breaks. In the event that a student has access to a cell phone, personal device, or wearable technology during testing, the student’s test is required to be invalidated, even if the student did not use the device. Wearable technology includes but is not limited to smart watches, smart glasses, and fitness trackers.

On dates when your student is scheduled to take the MCA, MTAS or Alt MCA assessments, your student will check in their phone, device, and wearable technology with me on the morning of testing. I will collect the phone/device/wearable technology, put it in a labeled Ziploc bag and keep it in a locked cupboard until the end of testing for the day, at which time I will return the phone/device/wearable technology to your student.

Upcoming Events

Hey, here are some events that are coming up:
  • October 17th - 18th - no school (MEA break)
  • October 29th - bingo for books (after school)
  • October 30th - Parent conference (3:40pm - 7pm)
  • Octover 31st - spirit day (super hero and animal day)
  • Nov. 1st - Parent conference (7:20 - 1pm)

NEW Missing work policy

Missing Work Policy:

  • Assignment Deadlines - All assignments must be submitted by the due date specified by the teacher.
  • Late Submissions - Students may submit assignments up to 5 school days after the original due date.
  • Late Submission Penalty - Assignments submitted after the 5-day window will receive a grade of zero (0) points. No additional extensions will be granted.
  • Exceptions - Extensions may be granted in cases of serious circumstances, such as illness or family emergencies. Students should contact the teacher as soon as possible to discuss possible accommodations.
  • Communication - Students are encouraged to inform the teacher about any challenges affecting their ability to meet deadlines. Teachers are available to provide support and assistance as needed.
  • Student Responsibility - It is the student's responsibility to track due dates and manage their time effectively to ensure assignments are submitted on time.

Adhering to this policy helps students develop essential organizational skills that will support their academic and personal growth.

Thank you!

Science MCA Schedule

Science MCA

  • 8.1 and 8.2 HR – May 6th, May 7th, and May 8th
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am
  • 8.4 HR – May 6th and 7th
    • Room 201 at 10:30am – 12:30pm


Reading MCA

  • 8.1 Homeroom – April 2nd and April 3rd
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am
  • 8.2 and 8.4 Homeroom – April 15th and April 16th
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am

Math MCA

  • 8.1 HR – April 29th and 30th
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am
  • 8.2 and 8.4 HR – May 1st and 2nd
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am


Science MCA

  • 8.1 and 8.2 HR – May 6th, May 7th, and May 8th
    • Cafeteria at 8:30am – 10:15am
  • 8.4 HR – May 6th and 7th
    • Room 201 at 10:30am – 12:30pm

SPIRIT WEEK NEXT WEEK 3/18/24 - 3/22/24

Hi All!

Principal Geraghty has declared next week SPIRIT WEEK! Please tell your students TODAY and post on your webpages. We will also send out a parent message.

  • Monday: Hoodie Day
  • Tuesday: Pajama Day
  • Wednesday: School Color Day (red, black, gray, white)
  • Thursday: Jersey Day
  • Friday: Hat Day



4.4.24 Week's Plan

Hey 8th Graders!
Don't forget that trimester 2 is ending on Thursday so make sure you get any missing work in this week. Reminder that there will be no school on Friday :)
Also here is the plan for the week but all work this week will go on Trimester 3:
Alg - 
  • Monday - Tuesday - notes and homework on 4.6
  • Thursday - Friday - notes and homework on 6.6
HP - 
  • Monday - notes and homework on 2.4
  • Tuesday -  Review for Quiz
  • Wednesday - Quiz on 2.1 - 2.4
  • Thursday - notes on 2.5

Math Announcement

A test is coming up for Chapter 9. It will be Wednesday Feb. 21st. Make sure your study guide is done and also your test note sheet is filled out.
For 8.1, your test will on Chapter 4 will be on Tuesday Feb. 20th.
email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

9.11.23 Week's Math Announcement

here are just a couple reminders for math:
  • Double check you are caught up in homework. So far this is what I assigned.
    • For 8.2 and 8.4 HR - 
      • Getting Ready for 1.1 on Big Ideas Math
      • 1.1 Homework on Big Ideas Math
      • 1.2 on Big Ideas Math
    • For 8.1 HR - 
      • Getting ready for 8.1 on Big Ideas Math
      • 8.1 Homework on Big Ideas Math
      • 8.2 Worksheet
      • 8.1 and 8.2 Review Packet
  • Don't forget that we always need to bring student journals, notebook, and blue folder to class :)
Ms. Baccam