Mr. Mark Kapuska » Home


Hello! My name is Mark Kapuska. I am very excited to work with your student and see their growth this year. As an undergrad I studied and graduated with a social studies and education degree at Hamline university. I've also received a master's degree in special education at St. Mary's University of Minnesota. In my free time I enjoy playing sports, coaching, and spending time with family and friends. 
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments that you have!
Change is the end result of all true learning - Leo Buscaglia



Thursday 1/13

Good morning,

My zoom calls will be cancelled today. However, please attend your regularly scheduled classes!
Have a great day!
Mr. Kapuska

Helpful Links


Here are a few helpful links for your convenience. Please make sure you are joining all of your zoom calls and checking your Schoology page. Let me know if you have any questions!
Mr. Kapuska
(Call) 763-777-8942 ext. 8852
(Text) 612-424-2295

Friday April 9th, 2021

Happy Friday!
I will see everyone on Monday!!!
Math Assignment:
7th & 8th - IXL
Please log into IXL today and complete at least 3 skills in the diagnostic area under recommended skills.
***If you missed a day, catch up and make sure all Study Island assignments this week are completed. I will give points for the week on Monday!
Enjoy the weekend!
Mr. Kapuska

Thursday April 8th, 2021

Good morning!
Please watch the videos below for the math lesson today then complete the assigned study island assignment.
Math Lesson:
6th & 7th - 
8th - 
Let me know if you have any questions, you're doing great this week!
Mr. Kapuska

Wednesday April 7th, 2021

Happy Wednesday!
We are half way through the week. Thanks for all of your hard work thus far!
Math Assignment: BrainPOP, use login from yesterday
*Must complete all videos for full credit.
7th - Properties of Numbers
8th - Squares and Square Roots
Enjoy the day!
Mr. Kapuska

Monday April 5th, 2021

Good morning, hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!
I will be absent this week. Therefore, zoom calls will be cancelled.
Each day this week you will have daily math assignments that will be counted for your daily credit. I will check everyday if you completed the assignment so please use our zoom call time to work on math!
Math Assignment:
7th and 8th Grade - IXL/Independent Work Day
1st - Log into IXL and complete either 25 questions on the diagnostic test or 3 recommended skills to a 90 smart score.
Username is you first and last name all lower case (some have 360 after their name), Password ixl2020
2nd - Complete your assigned Study Island skill for todays date 4.5.21.
***Must complete both for full credit today.
Text me with any questions!
Mr. Kapuska
Google Voice call/text: 612-424-2295
763-777-8942 ext. 8852

Week of 2/8/2021

Good morning!

Please join all of your classroom livestreams each day! Chat your teachers and other staff questions after the lessons if you have any.

Ms. Carlson's Zoom link: 

Mr. Kapuska's Zoom link:

Mr. C's Zoom link: 



Schoology login: 

Week of 2/1/2021

Good morning!

If you are back at school, welcome back! If you are continuing to be distance learning, we will be in contact with you today and this week about your new schedule. 

Ms. Carlson's Zoom link: 

Mr. Kapuska's Zoom link:

Mr. C's Zoom link: 



Schoology login: 

Monday 01.25.21 - Thursday 01.28.21

Good Morning Mathematicians!

Here are the links you will need this week Monday-Thursday!

Mr. Kapuska's Zoom link:

Ms. Carlson's Zoom link: 

Mr. C's Zoom link: 

Ms. Anna's link:

Mr. Tarpeh's link:



Study Island login 

Schoology login: 



Homework - Math Buzz Week 21-25 due Friday!

Have a great week!

Mr. Kapuska
Google Voice call/text: 612-424-2295
763-777-8942 ext. 8852


Happy Friday,
Please attend your homeroom's morning meeting at 8:00am! 
Math with Mr. Kapuska zoom will be at 9:30am:
LA with Ms. Carlson zoom will be at 10:15am:
Make sure you check your teacher websites today for the assigned daily task.
Please turn in you Math Buzz Week 16-20 by the end of the day today. Submit notability note to Schoology!
***If you missed the math zoom at 9:30am, please complete the Study Island assignment called "Money 1.22".
See you soon!
Mr. Kapuska
Google Voice call/text: 612-424-2295
763-777-8942 ext. 8852