Athlos Leadership Academy

Ms. Sara Gray » Bio


I am excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I’m  looking forward to having your child as a student in 1st grade. This year, students will be learning deeply across all subjects through a variety of interactive and engaging activitiesIn order to have a successful year, my most important goal is to create a community of learners in our classroom. I want your child to feel valued at school every single day.


I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with my degree in Elementary Education and I have been teaching for 35 years. This is my second year at Athlos Leadership Academy, and I am so excited to get to know each student and their families.


I welcome and value parent communication throughout the the year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.


Please subscribe to our class website to receive weekly information about what is going on in our classroom:

Phone: (763) 777-8942 ext. 8809






Look at the Week December 16-20 2024

Look at the Week December 16-20, 2024   

Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will complete Unit Four. We will review the point of view; who is telling the story. We will take a point of view and comprehension assessment on Thursday.

This week we will complete sentences using verbs and nouns. We will work on reading and spelling three letter blends.

This week spelling words are: three, throw, throat, street, strong, strap, sprain, string, splash, & scrap.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: This week we will complete Unit Four. We will review measurement and data, and take the Unit Four math assessment on Thursday.  

Science: We will learn about the changes that occur in winter and the adaptations of plants and animals in order to survive including migration, hibernation, nap and snack, hunting.

Homework: Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather. 

Key Dates to Remember:

  • December 19: Winter Tree Parade-Please send in items to dress the teacher like a minion tree. If you can donate any items for the tree parade it would be much appreciated!
  • December 20: Pajama Day
  • December 23-January 3: Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
  • January 6: School Resumes
  • Please BOLO for a family gift from your First Grader to you this week!
Have a great week,


Sara Gray

Grade 1 Teacher

[email protected]

Look at the Week December 9-13 2024

Look at the Week December 9-13 2024  

Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will continue Unit Four. We will learn about point a view: who is the narrator in the the stories we read?

We will write complete sentences using verbs and nouns, and we will work on reading and spelling digraphs ch, tch, & wh.

This week spelling words are: child, children, check, lunch, reach, while, white, whisper, lunch, & sandwich.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: This week we will continue Unit Four. We will be learning about measurement and data, and we will focus on parts of the clock, telling time to the hour and half hour.

Science: We will learn about the changes that occur in winter and the adaptations of plants and animals in order to survive including migration, hibernation, nap and snack, hunting. 

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather. 

Key Dates to Remember:

  • December 19: Winter Tree Parade-Please send in items to dress teachers like a minion tree
  • December 20: Pajama Day
  • December 23- January 3 Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
Have a great week,


Sara Gray

Grade 1 Teacher

[email protected]

Look at the Week December 2-6 2024

Look at the Week December 2nd  

Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Trimester two begins!

Language Arts: This week we begin Unit Four and we will be learning about narrators in the stories we read. We will complete sentences using verbs and nouns, and we will work on reading and spelling digraphs th, sh, and ng.

This week spelling words are: fish, wish, dish, moth, that, then, this, wings, king, & could.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: This week we will begin Unit Four in Math. We will be learning about measurement and data.

Science: This week we will learn about similarities and differences of plant and animals. 

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.
Have a great week,


Sara Gray

Grade 1 Teacher

[email protected]


Look at the Week November 4-8 2024

Look at the Week for November 4-8 2024

Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will begin Unit Three in our Benchmark Curriculum. We will learn about citizens within the community. We will learn about R-Blends and we will write complete sentences using L-Blends. We will continue to learn about verbs and nouns.

This week spelling words are: trip, trap, brag, drop, frog, grass, prod, drag, tree, & truck.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: This week we will continue Unit Three. In unit three we will work on number stories using the parts and total method, and we will learn to add and subtract with a missing number.

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Thursday. 

Social Studies: This week we continue to learn about being a good community member and discuss the election.



  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.

Upcoming Events:

  • Picture retake day: November 7th
  • Dress Like a Teacher: November 21st (Spartan Spirit Day-Free dress day)
  • No School November 22nd
  • Trimester 2 begins November 25th
  • No school: November 27th-29th (Thanksgiving Break)


Sara Gray

1st Grade Teacher

[email protected]

Look at the Week November 18-22 2024

Look at the Week for November 18-22 2024


Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will continue Unit Three in our Benchmark Curriculum and we will learn about citizens within the community. We will learn about final consonant blends and will write complete sentences using final consonant blends. We will find verbs and nouns in the texts we read.

This week’s spelling words are: and, hand, mend, end, must, help, fast, ring, sing, & thing.

Spelling test will be on Thursday.

Math: This week we will review skip counting by twos, fives, and tens, counting frontwards and backwards 0-120, and addition and subtraction strategies.

Social Studies: This week we continue to learn about good community members in school and at home.  

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Thursday of this week as we do not have school on Friday.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather. 

Key Dates to Remember:

Fall fundraiser featuring Heggies Pizzas Dates:

November 21: Order Forms Due

December 18 and 19: Order Pick Up
  • Dress Like a Teacher: November 21 (Spartan Spirit Day-Free Dress Day)
  • No School: November 22
  • Tri Two Begins: November 25
  • No School: November 27-29 (Thanksgiving Break)


Have a great week,


Sara Gray

Grade 1 Teacher

[email protected]


Look at Week November 11-15 2024

Look at the Week November 11-15



Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will continue working on Unit Three in our Benchmark Curriculum, and we will learn about citizens within the community. We will learn about S-Blends and write complete sentences using S-Blends. We will continue to learn about nouns and verbs.

This week's spelling words are: scan, scout, sleep, slow, smile, smart, snow, sport, spot, & star.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: We will continue Unit Three and we will work on number stories using the parts and total method. We will review counting by twos, fives and tens.

Social Studies: We continue to learn about being a good community member.

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather. 

Key Dates to Remember:

  • Dress Like a Teacher: November 21: Spartan Spirit Day-Free Dress Day
  • No School November 22
  • Trimester Two begins November 25
  • No school November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
  • Fall Fundraiser featuring Heggies pizzas:

     November 21: Order Forms Due

     December 18 and 19: Order Pick Up
Have a great week,


Sara Gray

Grade 1 Teacher

[email protected]

Look at the Week October 28-November 1 2024

Look at the Week October 28-November 1 2024



Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will describe different characters in the stories we read. We will discuss the setting, what, when, and where.  We will review verbs, nouns, and punctuation. We will practice writing complete sentences about the characters in the stories we read. We will review the phonics skills we have learned so far this year.

This week spelling words are: our, ride, out, now, went, want, who, there, saw, & was. (sight word review)

Spelling test will be on Thursday.

Math: This week we will continue Unit Three. In Unit Three we will work on number stories using the parts and total method. This week we will review simple addition and subtraction skills with the part-part-whole method.

Social Studies: This week we will learn about being a good community member. We will discuss the election and research the president candidates.

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Thursday. 


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.
  • Sign up for conferences:

Upcoming Events:

  • Bingo for Books: October 29th – 5:00-6:30pm (family event at school)
  • Book Fair: October 30th – Students who bring money can shop for books at the book fair
  • Parent Conferences: October 30th  3:40pm – 7:00pm
  • Parent Conferences: November 1st  7:20am – 1:00pm
  • Picture Retake Day: November 7th

[email protected]

Look at the Week October 21-25 2024

Look at the Week October 21-25 2024


Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will complete Unit Two, describing characters. We will discuss the setting, and the what, when, and where of the stories we read. We will review verbs, nouns, and punctuation and we will practice writing complete sentences. This week we will read and spell l- blending words.

This week spelling words are: flat, glad, plan, class, black, slip, clock, what, when, & where.

Spelling test will be on Friday.

Math: This week we will begin Unit Three. In Unit Three we will work on number stories using the parts and total method. We will review simple addition and subtraction skills within doubles and switch partners.

Social Studies: We will learn about being a good community member.

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday. 


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.

Upcoming Events:

  • Bingo for Books: October 29th 5:00-6:30pm (family event at school)
  • Book Fair: October 30th
  • Parent Conferences: October 30th 3:40pm – 7:00pm
  • Parent Conferences: November 1st 7:20am – 1:00pm
  • Picture Retake Day: November 7th

Have a great week!

Sara Gray

[email protected]

October 16th is Unity Day


Students are expected to be in uniform, BUT FULL OF ORANGE ACCESSORIES!

Ideas for your student:

*Wigs  *Socks  *Shoes  *Leggings  *Long-sleeved shirts under uniforms  *Headbands  * Earrings   *Nail polish

Happy Unity Day!

Look at the Week October 14-17 2024

Look at the Week October 14-16 2024


Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will be reviewing short vowels and CVC words.  We will be writing sentences with short vowel words.  We will continue to work on characters in stories and we will be describing their characteristics on a graphic organizer.

There will be no spelling list due to the short week.  

Math: This week we will continue working on Unit 2.  We will learn to add by using number models and finding unknowns.  We will have our Unit 2 assessment this week.

Social Studies: This week we will continue learning about good citizenship and why it’s important to follow school rules.

Homework: the Homework Packet for the week is sent home in your First Graders Take Home Binder on Monday to be worked on each night and returned to school on Monday, October 21st, since this is a short week, practice sight words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.


  • There is NO school on Thursday or Friday of this week. 
  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • We go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.

Upcoming Events:

  • Bingo for Books: October 29th
  • Parent Conferences: October 30th- 3:40pm – 7:00pm
  • Super Hero & Animal Day (out of uniform day): October 31st
  • Parent Conferences: November 1st- 7:20a – 1:00pm
  • Picture retake day: November 7th

Have a great week!

Sara Gray

First Grade Teacher

[email protected]

Snack Reminder

Just a reminder to send a healthy snack with your First Grader to school each day. We have a designated snack time every afternoon.
Thank you!

Look at the Week October 7-11 2024

Look at the Week October 7-11 2024


Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at the week:

Language Arts: This week we will continue Unit Two, we will describe the characters in the stories we read by how they look, act, and feel. We will be working on short “u” words and write complete sentences using short “e”.

This week spelling words are; duck, run, here, bug, sun, said, rug, up, mud, & come.

The Spelling test will be on Friday. Please practice these spelling words with your child.

Math: This week we will continue Unit Two.  We will learn to add by counting on this week, and memorize partners of ten.

Social Studies: This week we will continue learning about good citizenship and why it’s important to follow school rules.

Homework: the Homework Packet for the week is sent home in your First Graders Take Home Binder on Monday to be worked on each night and returned to school on Friday, practice spelling words, practice sight words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.


  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for Fitness. We go to Fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • We will go outside twice daily for recess. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather.

Upcoming Events:

  • Grandparents Breakfast-OCT.8th
  • Bingo for Books-OCT. 29th


Have a great week!

Sara Gray

First Grade Teacher

[email protected]

Look at the Week September 30-October 4 2024

Hello First Grade Families!

Here Is a look at our week:


Language Arts: This week we will begin Unit Two. We will describe the characters in the stories we read and describe how they look, act, and feel. We will be working on short “e” words and writing complete sentences.

This week spelling words are; leg, sell, fed, pet, bet, mess, neck, look, you, & are.

Spelling test will be on Friday. Please practice these spelling words with your child.

Math: This week we will begin Unit Two.  We will learn to add by counting on this week.

Social Studies: This week we will continue learning about good citizenship and why it’s important to follow school rules.

Homework: the Homework Packet for the week is sent home in your First Graders Take Home Binder on Monday to be worked on each night and returned to school on Friday, practice spelling words, practice sight words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.



  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for Fitness: we go to Fitness on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Upcoming Events:

  • Picture Day (free dress day)-OCT.3rd
  • Grandparents Breakfast-OCT.8th


Thank you for all the well wishes for my recovery from ankle surgery, and a special thank you to Ms. Laura Fowell for covering the class until my return on Monday, October 14th. Have a great week!

Sara Gray

First Grade Teacher

[email protected]



Minnesota Sports Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, September 27th, is a free dress day at Athlos, and your First Grader may wear their Minnesota Sports gear.
Thank you!

Look at the Week: September 23-27 2024

Hello First Grade Families!

Here is a look at our week:


Language Arts: This week we will continue learning about life cycles and how living things grow and change. We will be working on short “o” words and writing complete sentences. We will be describing the characters and setting in the stories we read.  

This week spelling words are; hot, dot, mop, log, lot, for, one, crops, frog, &, jump.

Spelling test will be on Friday. Please practice these spelling words with your child.

Math: This week we will be learning about partners of ten, tally marks and adding on a number line. We will be reviewing how to count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We will be taking the unit one assessment on Thursday.

Social Studies: This week we will continue learning about good citizenship and problem solving skills.

Nightly student homework: spelling words, Homework Packet, practice Sight Words, and read for fifteen minutes each night.

Please check your First Grader’s Take Home Binder for weekly Homework Packet sent home on Monday to be worked on through the week and returned to school on Friday. Sight words to practice were sent home in Binders last week.



  • Send a healthy snack with your student daily.
  • Make sure your child has shoes for fitness. We go to fitness on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s

Upcoming Events:

  • MN Sports Day (free dress day)- September 27th
  • Picture Day (free dress day)- October 3rd
  • Grandparents Breakfast- October 8th


Have a great week!

Sara Gray

First Grade Teacher

[email protected]