Mr. Brian Krahulec » Bio


Hello! My name is Brian Krahulec and I am excited to be your 6th Grade Mathematics Teacher this year. I grew up in Waconia, MN and went to college at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, MN. After college I moved to Washington D.C where I taught for four years, and then to Chicago where I taught for seven years. I moved back to Minnesota this summer, and I am so excited to be here at Athlos Leadership Academy. In our mathematics class we will learn to work together as we explore all the different types of numbers, how to use symbols to represent those numbers, and how to use those numbers to calculate the chances that something can occur. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions, or concerns throughout the year.




Week of 3/10 to 3/14

Good Morning,
This week 6th grade will be focused on calculating the area of 2D shapes in Math. 
Monday (3/1): 6.1 Area of Parralelogram Review and 6.2 Area of Triangles and Composite.
No Homework.
Tuesday (3/11): 6.2 Area of Triangles and Composite Shapes.
6.2 Homework 1 for homework. 
Wednesday (3/12): 6.3 Area of Trapezoids and Kites
Homework: 6.3 Homework 1
Thursday (3/13): 6.3 Area of Trapezoids and Kites 
Homework: Chapter 6 Quiz 1 Review
Friday (3/14): Chapter 6 Quiz 1

6th Grade MCA Testing Dates

Good Morning,
6th Grade will be taking this MCA's next month.
Reading will be through April 7th to 11th.
Math will be April 21st to 25th.
They will be taking it in a classroom setting with Ms. Geraghty.
If your student has to accommodations, or modifications they will be taking it at different time.
Mr. Krahulec

Week of 3/3 to 3/7

Good Morning,
This week we have a test on Tuesday, March 4th on Chapter 5. They have been given an in depth study guide to review for the test.
They will have homework on Wednesday, and Thursday this week. 
Wednesday: 6.1 Homework
Thursday: 6.2 Homework
Thank you and sincerely,
Mr. Krahulec

Week of 2/10 to 2/14

Good Morning, 
This week we will focusing on converting between fractions, and decimals as well as comparing/ordering them. There will be a quiz on Wednesday during school. 
Monday: 5.2 HW I
Tuesday: 5.2 HW II
Wednesday: No Homework
Thursday: 5.3 HW I
Friday: 5.3 HW II

Week of 2/3 to 2/4

Good Morning,
This week we will focus on converting between fractions, percent's and decimals. 
Homework will be given out Monday through Thursday this week:
Monday: Percent to Fraction
Tuesday: 5.1 HW 1
Wednesday: 5.1 HW 2
Thursday: 5.2 HW 1
Mr. Krahulec

Week of 11/4 to 11/8

This week we will finish up Chapter 2. Test on Thursday. 
Learning Targets:
Monday and Tuesday: Ordering fractions and decimals by converting numbers to be similar. 
Wednesday: Review for Chapter 2 Test. 
Thursday: Chapter 2 Test
Friday: Plotting points on the coordinate plane. 
Monday: Ordering Fractions and Decimals
Tuesday: Chapter 2 Study Guide
Wednesday: Chapter 2 Study Guide
Thursday: No HW
Friday: Plotting Points on the Coordinate Plane

Week 2 (9/9 to 9/13)

Good Morning, 
Below you will find the schedule, and other information about the week
Monday (9/9): Multi Digit Multiplication Practice. Students have had graded work passed back with a grade report as well. 
HW: Secret Code Time Multiplication. 
Tuesday (9/10): Long division review and practice.
HW: Did You Hear? Long division practice with riddle for answer key. 
Wednesday (9/11): Fastbridge Math Assessment
Thursday (9/12): Section 1.1: Exponents
HW: Section 1.1 Puzzle Time
Friday (9/13): Section 1.1: Exponents Practice 

First Week (9/3-9/6)

We will be starting the school year getting to know one another, and reviewing mathematical operations. Here is the schedule for the week. 
Tuesday (9/3): Welcome to 6th Grade Math, and syllabus review. HW: Syllabus signed by parent due Friday. 
Wednesday (9/4): Review of adding multi digit numbers, and classroom note taking procedures. No HW. 
Thursday (9/5): review of subtracting multidigit numbers. No HW. 
Friday: (9/6): review multiplying multi digit numbers. HW: Multiplication Maze  due Monday.

Week 2 - 9/11

Monday (9/11) - 5th Grade Math Review and IXL Practice
Tuesday (9/12) - Fastbridge Math Assessment (not graded)
Wednesday (9/13) - 6th Grade Big Ideas Math Section 1.1: Writing and Evaluating Exponents
HW: Section 1.1 Practice if not completed in class
Thursday (9/14): Section 1.1 Practice and IXL Practice
HW: IXL 6th Grade Skills D.1 and D.2 students must get a score of 80 or higher
Friday (9/15): 6th Grade Big Ideas Math Section 1.2: Order of Operations
Assignments that will be graded:
Section 1.1 Practice Assignment
IXL Skills 6th Grade D.1 and D.2 that cover writing and evaluating exponents. 

Week 1 - 9/5/2023

I am very excited for the school year! For the first week we will be getting to know each other, creating rules we will follow as a class, and learning how we will be successful throughout the year.  Below will be a weekly schedule for the 6th Grade Math class. 
Monday: No school - Labor Day
Tuesday: Name game activity, and learning warm up routine. 
Wednesday: My Numbers poster activity.
Thursday: 100 Numbers Group Task. 
Friday: Sudoku Partner Activity. 
There will be no homework, or assessment the first week of school. We will begin those routines next week. 

Mr. Brian Krahulec
6th Grade Math Teacher
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