Weekly Newsletter
I hope you're having a wonderful week! Here's an update on what we’ve been working on in class and some important announcements.
Math: Introduction to Decimals
This week, we are beginning our exploration of decimals. Students will learn what decimals are, how they relate to fractions, and how to identify decimal place values (tenths, hundredths, thousandths). We will also be using models like number lines and base-ten blocks to help visualize these concepts.
Reading: Unit 6 - Fables, Folklore, and Folktales
We are starting Unit 6 of our reading curriculum, which focuses on fables, folklore, and folktales. As we read these engaging stories, we’ll practice key skills such as summarizing, identifying points of view, finding the theme, and comparing and contrasting story elements. We’ll also be discussing how different cultures shape these types of stories. Be sure to ask your child about the tales they’re reading!
Important Announcements:
Valentine's Day Celebration: Valentine’s Day is this Friday, February 14! Students received a handout today detailing how we will celebrate in class (attached below). Students are welcome to bring in store-bought, individually wrapped treats for their classmates. Friday will also be a free dress day with the theme of RED and PINK!
Conference Folders: For families who were unable to attend conferences, students have received their conference folders today, which contain all the information I covered during conferences. Please take some time to review these and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
ELA Work and Books: Students brought home some previous ELA books and completed work from class. Please take a moment to go through these together and get a sense of what they’ve been learning. If you’d like extra practice at home, we didn’t get to read all of the stories in the book, so feel free to explore them!
Culture Fair - February 25: Our class is excited to be studying Nigeria for the upcoming Culture Fair! We’ve begun learning about the country and will continue to explore it over the next few weeks. Ask your child about what they’re learning at home, and if you have any connections or ways to help with the project, please reach out! More details to come.
Homework: Homework was sent home today and includes three stories to read with corresponding questions based on what we’re doing in class. There are also three math pages focusing on the new skills we will be learning this week. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Here's a video we watched in class to help with the math concept: Decimal Video.
Winter Gear: The weather has turned cold this week, so please make sure your child comes to school with appropriate winter gear for recess. If you need any support in providing these supplies, please let me know — I’m happy to help!
Thank you for your continued support. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Looking forward to a great week ahead!